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Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Lure of Internet Dating

OK, so I caved. I said I wasn't going to partake in Internet dating, and low and behold, I've been enticed to renew by an email for a real hottie. These sites knew what they were doing when they restricted the viewing of emails to members only.

Now, we see the ads for these sites all over the TV, press, Internet and tube stations, promoting the opportunity to meet like for like people and in some cases, your 'soul mate'. Now call me a cynic, but from the profiles I've seen and the people I've spoken to so far, I'd consider this false advertisement. My Gypsy date being the perfect example, as by no means have I ever not had a fixed address. That said they do provide an easy way to meet a wide range of people. So despite my reservations, my ever optimistic overview has taken a hold and I am now the sheepish member of not one, but TWO dating sites!!! (Note to Self: Learn to control that love of a bargain girl. A discount membership does not mean a cheap ticket to love).

So far, I have exchanged a number of emails with a few attractive men, who to date, seem to be pretty normal. There is, however, one rather tall, dark and muscular guy in particular that I've been speaking, to who has offered his number as an invite to take our nuclear relationship off site. OK, I thought. The Rules teach us to let men actively pursue you and bring any Internet based relationship in to the real world at the earliest opportunity. So with this in mind, I texted him to see how his weekend was panning out and more importantly, to give him the means to call me, as we all know Rules Girls don't call. Now this dude must have been waiting by the phone for me to call, as no sooner had I sent the text, my phone rang. Innocently, I didn't make the connection as the voice on the other end of the line was rather high pitched and thick. Yes that's right, THICK!!! This dude was FFB!(Fresh From Boat). How the HELL did I miss that? He certainly missed that part out when completing his profile. However, thinking back his messages were always pretty short and sweet. Any ho, struggling to get over the David Beckham affect, I managed to hear him babble something about how much he loved the gym and that he was currently working as a Psychiatric Nurse. He then went on to tell me about his recent 'promotion' that had meant a transfer to a medium security facility just outside of London. Hmmmm. Psychiatric Nurse! Medium security facility! Promotion! Is it me, or does this all sound like a good reason to switch off, because that is exactly what I did. Just as he was trying to convince me that he's not the cheating type and that he was ready to settled down and have some kids, (Good for you I say and swiftly end the call. Hopefully, he won't call back.

Never guess who got on my empty tube and sat 2 unoccupied seats from me yesterday morning? None other than Bragging Jerry! (Jerry curl date - 1st Date -The Gypsey select the link to read up if your out the loop).  Having not responded to any of his attempts to contact me after our disastrous date this could have been a very awkward moment. I'm sure he clocked me the minute he stepped on the tube, but tried to wait for me to look up from my Sudoku to catch my attention. Only, seeing as I had also clocked him early on, I made a point of keeping my headphones on and my head straight. That didn't deter him. You know this dude had the nerve to tap me and make small talk like we were old friends that had lost touch! Can't you see I'm busy BLANKING YOU! Well at least he had enough manners to apologise for our date. He also commented that he wasn't surprise not to get a response to the post date email he sent, as it was a little 'fuzzy'? What does that mean? Sorry Jerry, you were mistaken. It was a cold, hard snub from me. No fuzz. In the interest of entertainment and good manners, I kept the covo light, before returning to my Sudoku and the soothing tones of Miss E Badu. I think this time he got the message.

P.S. I can breathe a sigh of relief. His daytime suited and booted look, which is how I met him, did not include the Jerry Curl. I've been asking myself ever since our date how I could have been so un observant to have missed that.